Photo by Cynthia ParkHurst
Can we take a moment and talk about concerts?
More specifically about a show I know you know about . . . Dreamers and The Score coming this Monday to Bogart’s. I know Monday isn’t the most glamorous day of the week, but stick with me. I first caught Dreamers at our favorite indie haunt, MOTR Pub back in 2016 right before their debut album The Album Does Not Exist and I have to tell you, I was immediately hooked. Their combination of grunge, art-school pop got my heart pumping enough that I knew I was watching something special.
Flash forward to 2018 and I see Dreamers again a few months before their sophomore Launch Fly Land at 20th Century Theater in Oakley. They are there with Weathers, who recently blew up Madison Live, and Morgxn so you know we’re in good company. I’m surprised we all survived that Monday night and thought it could get any better than that. So now I see they are coming back for another Monday. Nick Wold and Nelson have not slowed down their game, in fact, the opposite. Dreamers have been teasing us with new anthem singles like Robbery, Bad Days and Body Language and they do not disappoint. You should give them a listen and prove me wrong.
Like in the past, Dreamers is coming again to Cincinnati before the release of a new full-length album and giving us a sneak preview of unreleased music from the third album. I’m planning on seeing them again and with their exponential growth at Bogart’s, perhaps you’d like to see them before they start hitting the really big stages like Brady or Ovation. I hope to see you there.