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No Limits: No Age with Vacation, Behaviour and Moth Clock at NSYC

Looking to spend a noisy night out? Northside Yacht Club has got you covered with a quadruple dose of punk rock featuring No Age with Vacation, Behaviour, and Moth Clock on May 8.

The experimental duo behind the Moth Clock banner is Doug Gent and Pat Modugno from Kent, Ohio. Gent plays clarinet and does the vocals while Modugno plays trumpet and is responsible for the effects and loops. They have released two EPs to date: Bremmy (2012) and Twofer Tuesday (2014). The latter consists of only two songs, but they are both nearly 20 minutes. Moth Clock is perfect for any lover of experimental music and sampling.

Behaviour is a fast-paced, female-fronted, punk rock band from Aviles, Spain. The five-piece admires 90's punk rockers and blends that sound with their own style. The band released an album on Bandcamp in 2015 called All Is Mind which features both Spanish and English vocals.

Ohio rock band Vacation formed in 2009. The band consists of Evan Wolff on bass and visual effects, Jerri Queen on guitar and vocals, Dylan McCartney on drums and harmonies, and John Hoffman on guitar. Hoffman also engineers the band’s music. The band most recently released Southern Grass: the Continuation of Rock and Roll, Volumes 1 and 2 last year. The quartet's sound is similar to groups like The Low Culture and Toys That Kill.

Noise rock duo No Age will be headlining the evening. These LA punks are Randy Randall (guitar) and Dean Allen Spunt (drums/vocals). The group formed back in 2005 after their former band, Wives, split up. The group put out five limited edition vinyl singles and EPs through five different labels before being signed to Sub Pop in 2008. Mojo, a UK music magazine, ranked No Age among the top ten new artists next to artists like Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes. They were nominated for a Grammy for the packaging of the Nouns CD, that came with a 64-page photo and art book. They released their fifth LP earlier this year.

As their name suggests, No Age likes to make sure their shows are available to people of all ages. In the past, they have made efforts to get age-restricted venues to bend the rules for just one night. The duo’s sound is comparable to that of groups like Women, Japanther, and Cloud Nothings. No Age is proof that there is nothing wrong with aging punk.

There is going to be no shortage of great music at Northside Yacht Club on May 8th. From experimental sampling, Spanish punk, hometown heroes or California noise rock, there's going to be something to get you on your feet.

When: May 8thj


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