Do you ever just have an insatiable craving to listen to soul? When that time comes the only band that can satisfy my soul craving is the band Durand Jones & The Indications. And if you have craving for some great soul music on the night of April 18th, you should come to The Woodward Theater to catch Durand Jones & The Indications live along with Ernie Johnson
From Detroit.
Opening up the show is Ernie Johnson From Detroit. Bringing a more funk and big band/jazz sound to table, Ernie Johnson From Detroit was formed by Collin Thompson (Trombone), Brendan Blumer (Drums), Drew Loftspring (guitar and vocals), Eric Osmanoglu (Bass), Wayne Kilgard (saxophone), Nathan Lewis (guitar and vocals), and Dusty Bryant (keyboard) in 2015 while making music in one of the band members basement. Initially not knowing what they wanted their band to sound like, they eventually landed on the funk/afrobeat/jazz sound that many Cincinnatians now know them for. Currently, with two 5 song EPs out on Bandcamp, their unique genre fusion sound gives the members leeway to improvise and create some truly unique sounding tracks. One song that really demonstrates this is the song 12 Fish from their second EP titled Shrimp Box. The song is an 8-minute jam session filled with funky guitar lines, big band trumpets, freeform jazz saxophone, and afrobeat drums. When it all comes together it creates a truly unique sound, unlike anything I’ve ever listened to.
When seeing them play live you can expect typical big band style show (minus bandstands), with the occasional vocals over their usually vocal-less tracks and some solos. While their shows don't involve a lot of pomp and circumstance, they make up for it by displaying just how talented they are. Many of the solos in their songs are sporadic and short but in a span of only a couple of minutes, they show just how much they have honed their craft. Ernie Johnson From Detroit is a band you definitely don't want to miss.
Headlining the show is soul group Durand Jones & The Indications. The R&B group formed in the fall of 2012 while Durand Jones was attending Indiana University and singing renditions of Sitting At The Dock of The Bay by Otis Redding with his current bandmates for rowdy college kids. The band consists of Aaron Frazier (drums), Blake Rhein (guitar), Kyle Houpt (bass), Justin Hubler (organ), with Durand Jones on vocals. With currently only one full-length album out at the moment, the band has a lot of accomplishments for such a young band. They have performed live for many popular music sites like Jam In The Van and are scheduled to play some major music festivals this year like Bonnaroo.
When seeing them live expect to feel like you've transported back into the golden age of soul. Jones is known to throw in some dance moves in between vocals and singing into the mic with a passion and soul that only the soul genre of music can bring to the table. Their sound is nostalgic, harkening back to the days of James Brown and Al Green. You can hear the echoes of influence on the song Make a Change, which when listening to it I had to almost do a double take to make sure my Spotify didn't make an artist radio playing James Brown. They are filling a void in the music scene that Charles Bradley was filling until he passed away last year.
The night of April 18th is going to be a very funky and soulful night at The Woodward Theater. It is definitely the kind of show that you are going want to want to have your dancing shoes on for. While you are dancing the night away, be sure to stop by the Inhailer table at the show. Who knows, we might just start dancing with you.
When: April 18th, Doors open at 7:00 PM, show starts at 8:00PM
Where: The Woodward Theater How much: $12 Buy Tickets