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of Montreal: Photo Recap and Live Review

Have you ever felt excitement, joy, curiosity about what’s to come, an overwhelming sense of camaraderie and an uncontrollable urge to dance? That’s how I feel every time I see of Montreal and after last night’s amazing performance I see no sign of that ever changing.

The show started out simple enough-- with a giant, LED, inflatable sugar skull being moved around by the deft stagehands who carry out Kevin Barnes’ artistic vision. Barnes saunters on the stage in his (apparently, based on the new albums’ videos) favorite blonde, curly wig, carrying a bottle of champagne while the bassline of “Gronlandic Edit” plays on. He ultimately de-robes to reveal a red chiffon dress you’ve definitely seen at a Good Will somewhere. This proves to be a taste of what’s to come with 6 more costume changes and many more props; it just gets better. With the addition of confetti cannons, multi-manned dragon puppets, and LED-eyed yetis, an of Montreal show is guaranteed to be one of the most visually captivating shows you’ll see.

of Montreal has been steadily releasing albums since 1997, so their catalog is a veritable plethora of hits. With bands like this, the concerts can often be a hit or miss; they could easily play a set of songs you’ve never heard. With of Montreal, Barnes knows how to mix the old with the new for a well-rounded set that never lacks in energy. Barnes highlighted the best of his new album White is Relic/Irrealis Mood, including “Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia” and “Soft Music/Juno Portraits of the Jovian Sky,” and gave us some old standbys like “Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games” from 2005’s The Sunlandic Twins and “Bunny Ain’t No Kind Of Rider” from 2007’s groundbreaking Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? The show gave us some of the very best of the band’s extensive catalog and the perfect soundtrack to dance the night away.

of Montreal puts on one of the most exciting, aesthetically immersive shows around. Barnes' artistic vision seeps into every aspect of the show and you just can’t help leaving feeling like confetti, glitter, and surreal performance art should be a way bigger part of your life. That just means you’ll have to see more of Montreal shows! With Barnes’ insatiable creativity and love of the performance, that shouldn’t be hard to achieve.



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