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Screaming Females: Indie-Punk at Northside Yacht Club

Photo by Farrah Skeiky

When you think of New Jersey, you can just picture kids running down the boardwalk with their melted waffle cones and sticky fingers, begging their parents for money to go on "just one more ride!" while the waves crash along the sand on sunny summer days. Oh, who am I kidding? You probably think of fake tans and guidos and guidettes, but today I’m giving you another way to look at and reason to love The Garden State: Screaming Females, an indie-punk group from New Brunswick, NJ.

With Marissa Paternoster leading on guitar and vocals, Jarrett Dougherty on drums, and King Mike on bass, the independent trio packs a heavy punch for just a few members. The three got their start in 2005 (side note: can you believe 2005 was 13 years ago?). They've released six albums, each expanding the horizons of what rock music can do. NPR’s Lars Gotrich wants to know, "What did we do to deserve Screaming Females?" He also goes on to say that the trio is "a constant in an ever shifting music scene, spinning out album after album of punk anthems with a fiercely independent spirit, while incrementally evolving with purpose."

While they are signed to Don Giovanni Records, NPR notes that Screaming Females has maintained the DIY approach that made them one of the “most individual and steadfast” touring bands today. Pitchfork declares that the band “amplifies the fuck-off stridency” and I certainly agree in all of the best possible ways. I asked A.J. to give them a listen for the sake of a second pair of ears; his first impression of them was their hard-hitting lyrics. He said “the lyrics speak out to the listener against the things they see wrong with society.”

Screaming Females creates gripping music with a heavy punk guitar writhing throughout. Marissa Paternoster gives me a “woman who runs with the wolves” vibe. Sh has a howling voice that shakes and bellows, and she swoons the room with her demanding presence and cool approach. But her voice isn’t the only thing she brings to the stage. Pitchfork said her guitar skills “may sound stream-of-conscious, but there's an internal logic to her fretwork as well as careful economy that favors sneering repetition of themes and compact solos.” Just take a quick listen to “I’ll Make You Sorry” from their newest album All At Once and you’ll get the gist. The band comes at you from the very second the song begins, and you’ll start tapping your feet on the floor. Their shows are known for lots of foot stompin’ by amateur moshers and rockers alike!

Screaming Females will bring down the house in Northside, so don’t fret because I know you want to see them now! There is a lot of hype around these guys, so the Yacht Club is sure to be packed. And who knows, maybe some guidos and guidettes will show up. What more of a reason do you need to go then that? ;)

When: Monday, March 5, 9:00 PM

Where: Northside Yacht Club

How Much: $12, or $10 online advance


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