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Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Acid Dad: Anything But Dad Rock at MOTR
The rise of Acid Dad has truly been a trip. The Brooklyn group leaped from self-releasing singles to a first tour including several SXSW...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Guided By Voices: Space Gun Review
Guided by Voices is no stranger to the excitement of an album release. On March 23rd, Guided by Voices released their 26th studio album,...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Yo La Tengo: There's a Riot Going On Review
How about Hoboken? Never heard of it? Well now is your chance to give it some love because your favorite Hobokenite...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Minus the Bear: Indie Rock Staples at Bogart's
Looking to catch some music on the night of May 2nd? Then be sure to pop your head into Bogart's and catch indie rock legends Minus The...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Grizzly Bear and Spoon: Indie Rock Icons at PNC Pavillion
Strap on your safety belts, Cincinnatians, a big one is comin’ atcha: Indie darlings Spoon and Grizzly Bear will be performing at PNC...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Pedro the Lion's Revival at Southgate House
The newly reformed Pedro the Lion will come to Southgate House on August 18th. An indie rock band that explores the gray areas in the...

Inhailer Radio Team
Jul 3, 2020
Jukebox the Ghost: Upbeat Piano Rock at the Taft Theatre
Stressed about school starting back up? Or how the world may or may not end very soon? Wanna forget about that for a bit and just dance?...
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